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Thanksgiving Podcasts for Kids

'Tis the season for turkey and pies and a side of Thanksgiving-themed podcasts for kids. 🦃 This week's round-up will educate little listeners on the history of Thanksgiving in the United States, food traditions, and some fun facts about a few of my favorite "foodie" podcast creators. Let's start with the food podcasts!

Funky Foodies podcast logo

Funky Foodies is a fun new show, launched this year, by SUNY Syracuse Environmental Studies Professor and children's author, Benett Whitmore. The podcast was created to be an educational tool for kids to show listeners the connection between food choices and the impact those choices have on the environment.

The show follows Frankie and Fern, who meet at their middle school cafeteria and bond over a mutual passion for food activism, pledging to "Save the Planet, One Veggie Burger at a Time". In the first ten episodes, listeners learn about everything from vertical farming, food waste, bees, and aquaponics. I had a chance to talk with Benett and asked what she was most proud of with this show. "Funky Foodies has been a creative kaleidoscope of words and music, illuminated by tons of talent - from the voice actors to the sound designer, to the editor, to the social media manager. It's been such a collaborative process from the get-go, with amazing creatives who are enthusiastic and passionate every step of the way. I'm proud that I was able to bring together such talented individuals around a shared mission: bringing kids into the conversation about food choices and the environment. Some of the children in our focus group were unaware of concepts like vertical farming, organics, and food recovery systems, so it's rewarding to open their minds to topics they can understand and care about, and may even help champion. The newest episode on aquaponics is probably my favorite so far and will be linked to our website: We just found out from PBS that we are "greenlit" for Season 2, so we can't wait to get back into the studio!"

Check out the website for recipes and activity sheets, follow them on social media, and join the Funky Foodies Fan Club!

Hudi the Foodie podcast logo art (orange background with Hudi caricature in foreground)

Hudi the Foodie is launching its second season in January! I discovered this show last year around Thanksgiving and was dazzled by this young and intrepid culinary interviewer. When Hudi launched his show he was 10 years old and interviewed chefs, restauranteurs, and food fanatics like a pro! When I learned that Hudi was working on a new season I asked if he would allow me to turn the tables and let me interview him.

Storitopia: Tell me about your love of food Hudi: Ever since I can remember I have loved food. My mom is an amazing cook and is coming out with her first cookbook in a few months. She introduced me to a wide variety of flavors from a young age. In preparing food, I love how you can take a recipe, change one or two ingredients, and re-invent the dish. Cooking helps me escape and clear my head on a hard day. My favorite thing to cook is ribeye steak. I like the texture, juiciness, and flavor. The smell while cooking is amazing! I am definitely a meat and potatoes guy. My motto: “You can’t compete with meat” Beef is my bestie but I love most food and have different cravings depending on my mood. “There are so many foods for so many moods!” Storitopia: What inspired the podcast? Hudi: My dad has had a successful podcast for about ten years. During the pandemic, he switched from recording in a studio to recording at home, remotely from his bedroom closet. Especially after he had a bad case of covid I would help him get the tech setup for each podcast and I became very interested in podcasting. My dad suggested a podcast about my passion, food, and Hudi the Foodie was born. We buy this amazing sourdough from a neighborhood baker with a cottage license and I wanted to learn everything about sourdough. I invited her to be my guest and that was my first interview! Storitopia: What has been your favorite interview/episode so far? Hudi: My favorite interview was with chef Brooke Williamson because I love watching cooking shows, and I had seen her on TV before and was very impressed with her competitive drive and skills. She was really personable from our first communication and we share the same love of sushi. And ice cream at the beach! Storitopia: What has been the most surprising thing you have learned about interviewing or creating the podcast? Hudi: How much work it takes! Research, reaching out to potential guests, writing, editing, posting, etc.! I really thought I would just be talking into a microphone. Storitopia: It was great to hear that you were working on a new season! Have you always been planning a season two or was there a new inspiration? Hudi: My plan was to always come back. The only reason I stopped was that I had a challenging year with a difficult teacher and appendicitis. It was hard getting back into it. Storitopia: Can you tell me something you are thankful for? Hudi: I’m so thankful for my dad helping me with my podcast and I’m thankful for steak.

Thanksgiving Podcasts for Kids: History

This is a great roundup of podcast episodes that dive into the history of Thanksgiving. All of the episodes talk about the Wampanoag tribe and the importance of recognizing that people celebrated harvests from this land long before pilgrims arrived. Mystery Recipe: Lady in Red Time for Lunch: Giving Thanks Reading Bug: A Thanksgiving Adventure

Thanksgiving Podcasts for Kids: Turkey Trivia

Test your turkey knowledge with these episodes. Learn how turkeys traveled for hundreds of miles before there were cars and what makes turkeys so special. But Why A Podcast for Curious Kids: Thanksgiving Episode Time for Lunch: Turkeys

Thanksgiving Podcasts for Kids: Just for Fun!

Story Pirates and DJ Squirm A Lot are hosting a FREE Thanksgiving Mixtape Live event on Friday, November 25th at 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET. The link will take you to a sign-up form and then send you a link to the live virtual event the day after Thanksgiving.


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